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Thread: NVIDIA RTX A4000 driver support KDE 5.24, 21.10 , upgrade 22.04 will drivers work?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Lightbulb NVIDIA RTX A4000 driver support KDE 5.24, 21.10 , upgrade 22.04 will drivers work?

    KDE 5.24 is neat, yet it does not offer performance improvements on my ThinkPad P1 Gen4, mainly because of slack driver configuration. Currently, it is most effective to run Kubuntu 20.04 still... Apparently Lenovo provides the drivers and Canonical integrates them in their kernel, in theory every distro should work flawlessly, yet that's sadly not the case cause it takes time for the right drivers to trickle through (if at all...)

    I have upgraded to Kubuntu 21.10 and KDE 5.24, and a major flaw that castrates my workflow is the lack of any type of external display rendering. Whether via HDMI, USB-C or USB adaptor external display or projectors do not render anything... they induce a notification when pugged in, but no options appear to control how they behave under system settings. There is crazy screen tearing unless running the 470 driver in performance mode (everything else in terms of NVIDIA drivers and configuration has been practically unusable for me).

    There is no possibility to hibernate the PC and after a few hours of sleep the system crashes at log in with a cpu sink error.

    Factory button setting, such as brightness lower F5 or higher F6, do not work at all (even when manually adding a shortcut). If log in isn't automatic, the entered password is never accepted even when the user is forced to use terminal and set everything to auto log in.. In the hope that they can enter the PC finally.

    Discover is every buggy to run both for updates and installations.

    Seems like there is no way to take advantage of the Nvidia RTX A4000 + Intel UHD 11th Gen configuration.

    Will 22.04 LTS be a smoother experience than 21.10, will basic hardware work fine? (e.g. rendering video, attaching multiple screens..etc)
    or should I give up on all my hopes to use KDE 5.24 roll back to ubuntu 22.04 and enjoy a reliable device...instead of lingering in crash limbo in hope that Canonical will "fix the drivers".

    Thoughts, ideas, tips, experiences, solutions on your thinkpad?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: NVIDIA RTX A4000 driver support KDE 5.24, 21.10 , upgrade 22.04 will drivers work

    Is this a laptop or desktop? Where did you get the 470 driver from: online?

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